Find the answers to your questions here.
Our team have worked predominantly for US-based companies, and most have completed university degrees in English. They are excellent communicators, with skills that go beyond language, and can clearly articulate technical concepts to a broad audience.
Yes! When you engage one of our resources, you are bringing that specific person onto your team, and we will not swap that person out or interrupt the IP that they have built up with you, unless it makes sense for your business (for example you might choose to move them around within your organisation).
We usually aim for a minimum of two hours overlap to sync with the meetings you need the contractors to attend and then they can continue working independently on their time.
We simply need two weeks notice. This is short, but we have heard from clients often that the main benefit is flexibility and the ability to scale up or down at short notice. We can agree on a longer notice period if it would suit your business needs.
As soon as we know that a developer is planning to leave we initiate the process of replacing them. We also endeavour to allow time for a handover period between the two people.
Your first point of contact is our NZ based Technical Delivery Manager. We also have an off-shore technical director who is directly in contact with our team. Between the two, we will ensure any problems are resolved quickly and to your satisfaction.
We have an overarching Contracting Services Agreement in place between Tech People and your company. This governs the way we provide contractors. In addition, we have a simple Particulars of Assignment one-pager for each specific resource that you engage through us. It would list a contractor’s name and the agreed rate, as well as the start and end date of the engagement.
Our turnover of contractors is low, we offer our team competitive rates of pay and other benefits so that we can retain these talented people.
We have several clients that would be happy to speak with you about Tech People’s Offshore Contractors. Get in touch with us to organise that for you.